
How to install Windows 10

    Reinstall your own computer that uses the Windows 10 OS is not a difficult thing to do, let alone by a beginner. As long as want to study them in earnest, for sure it will be very easy. This ebook application created to help you especially beginners who want to start their own computer reinstall Windows 10 operating system-based . In this application have been presented some key points to facilitate users in the study. These points include: >Preparation before installation >Knowing The Requitments Computer System >How to install with USB driver >Learn To Open The BIOS / UEFI Setup Program >How to convertMBR to GPT disk >List the key buttons unlock BIOS/UEFI for each computer >Learn Hard Drive Partitioned >Start the installation process >Installing The Driver Software >Driver Software problems and solutions >Install The Application >And surrounding the troubleshoothing of some of the problems that

How to install Windows 7

  This app review the tutorial Learn to reinstall the computer using Windows 7 operating system is easy and fast, with a language that is easily understood, especially for beginners and equipped with guided imagery. The discussion in this App contains: >Preparation before installation >Knowing The Reequipments Computer System >How to install with USB driver >Learn To Open The BIOS / UEFI Setup Program >How to convert GPT disk to MBR disk >List the key buttons unlock BIOS/UEFI for each computer >Learn Hard Drive Partitioned >Start the installation process >Installing The Driver Software >Driver Software problems and solutions >Install The Application >And surrounding the troubleshooting of some of the problems that often occur on the computer. Hopefully applications can help users. If there is criticism, suggestions or constructive feedback, please let us via email at or can d